An experienced educator and community justice organizer, Toni has worked collaboratively and in dialogue with co-conspirators and has sought opportunities to build a better world with youth for over fifteen years. Her work has included organizing educational summits and launching the first city-wide annual Juneteenth festival and celebration here in Gloucester. As GEF's Arts Festival Coordinator, Toni oversees GEF's biggest annual event in partnership with the Gloucester Public Schools and a host of community partners.

Born and raised in London, England, Toni brings her unique perspectives as a multiracial, multiethnic immigrant to her work. She also works in a variety of roles with the Cape Ann Museum and serves as the Education Coordinator at the Royall House & Slave Quarters in Medford, MA. A graduate of the Gallatin School of Individualized Studies at NYU, Toni received her Master of Arts in Educational Studies from Tufts University.